In the magical land of Wisconsin, known fondly as the Dairyland of the USA, where the cows play hide and seek in the cornfields and the cheese is as yellow as the sunny sky, exists a group of extraordinarily creative kids. The state is rich with scenic beauty, filled with forests that seem straight out of fairy tales, mysterious caves, and enough lakes to fill a dragon's treasure vault. Now, let's introduce our hero - a cool, funny, and wild-haired imaginary character named Doodle-Winks. Doodle-Winks, who wears rainbow socks and a cheese-hat, has an extraordinary power to bring any piece of art to life. This is a good thing, especially when you’re in charge of leading Wisconsin’s amazing Art & Crafts troop! This troop, full of lively, crafty, and giggly kids, love to stir up enchanting creations. They are wizards with paint, sorcerers of paper mache, and champions in bead-weaving. They can turn a blob of clay into a regal-looking cheese, a pile of yarn into a cuddly cow, or a blank canvas into a scenic masterpiece that would make even the trees blush with pride. Their imagination is as wild as Doodle-Winks's hair and their laughter as infectious as his jokes. So, buckle up your creativity boots, put on your cheese-hats, and join Doodle-Winks and the vibrant kids in Wisconsin as they embark on a joyous journey of Art & Crafts, turning ordinary things into extraordinary masterpieces, and proving that in Wisconsin, dairy isn't the only thing they're great at creating!

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best art-crafts programs in Woodruff, WI

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
4.5(4 reviews)
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Are you looking for a unique family getaway this summer? Red Pine Camp on Golden Lake, Ontario is the perfect spot! This rustic campground is nestled in a large grove of tall Red Pines and offers weekly camping experiences for the whole family. You can enjoy creative weekly programs, morning kids’ activities, evening family activities, crafts, boating, watersports, baseball, badminton, paddle tennis, shuffleboard and much more. Parents can also take advantage of the one-week teen Leadership Camp. Red Pine Camp is the ideal spot for families of all sizes and ages to come together and make the most out of their summer vacation. The summer is the perfect time to make lasting family memories. Why not spend them at Red Pine Camp? This beautiful campground, located on Golden Lake, Ontario, is nestled in a large grove of tall Red Pines and provides a one-of-a-kind family-friendly experience. The camp offers a variety of activities that will keep the whole family entertained, including creative weekly programs, morning kids’ activities, evening family activities, crafts, boating, watersports, baseball, badminton, paddle tennis, and shuffleboard. Parents can also take advantage of the one-week teen Leadership Camp. Red Pine Camp is the perfect spot for an unforgettable summer experience!

Woodruff, WI 54568
4.7(3 reviews)