Once upon a time, in the enchanting state of Connecticut, nestled in the heart of New England, a whimsical yogi named Wacky Wobbly Willow, often called WWW (triple W), captured the hearts of the children in the land. Connecticut, known for its beautiful autumn foliage, charming small towns, and the glorious Yale University, was also famous for its energetic, yoga-loving kids. The star of this whimsical land, WWW, with his big round belly and long twisty mustache, would float around in his hot air balloon from Stamford to Hartford, spreading the joy of yoga. The children, as bright as the lighthouses that dotted the state, were always eager to join the yoga fiesta. From the giggles in Greenwich to the peals of laughter in New Haven, the air was filled with delight when WWW bent into funny pretzel shapes, imitating the squirrels, rabbits, and even the mischievous raccoons. The yoga-loving kids who participated loved to mimic the poses of their favorite yogi, their laughter echoing through the hills and valleys of the Nutmeg State. These Connecticut kiddos weren't just pros at the Tree Pose or the Warrior Pose, they were experts in laughter yoga too! Their laughter became a legend, spreading like a magical spell, making Connecticut the happiest state in all of the USA! Wacky Wobbly Willow's unique yoga sessions brought more than just fun; they brought unity, health, and happiness to the kids. The children loved their yoga routines, whether under the majestic oaks in a local park or beside the calming rivers flowing through the state. The power of yoga and the hilarity of WWW made Connecticut quite the happy place to be! Their tale was, indeed, as wacky, whimsical, and wonderful as they were!
Read morebest yoga programs in Fairfield, CT
For over 50 years, Frontier Camp has been dedicated to making disciples of Jesus by sharing God’s Word amidst the beauty of His creation. Since our founding in 1969, we’ve been licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services and are proudly accredited by the American Camping Association. We’re also a member of the Christian Camping and Conference Association. Our mission is to use Christian camping and outdoor recreation as a means to support local churches in fulfilling the Great Commission—evangelizing people of all ages and discipling believers toward deeper maturity in Christ. Frontier Camp offers a dual ministry: during the summer, we host a 10-week youth camp, and throughout the rest of the year, we serve as a retreat facility for churches and like-minded religious organizations. Whether through summer camps or retreats, our goal remains the same: to expose people to Christ and encourage their spiritual growth through His Word and by reflecting His character in everything we do. While we provide top-notch recreation and exciting programming, the heart of our camp is the spiritual impact, rooted in the truth of God’s inerrant Word.
At our recreation center, our goal is to provide something for every member of the family. From our Summer Camps and Adult Softball Leagues to Tennis Clinics and Stroller Strides, we have a wide variety of activities to choose from. Be sure to check out our new programs like eSports, Cornhole & Golf Clinics. We know these activities will be a hit with everyone! Our recreation center is proud to offer recreational activities for the whole family! From programs like Summer Camps and Adult Softball Leagues to unique activities like Stroller Strides and Tennis Clinics, we make sure that there's something for everyone. But that's not all! We've recently added some exciting new programs like eSports, Cornhole & Golf Clinics. So don't miss out on these great opportunities to have fun!