In the whimsical world of Wisconsin, often fondly referred to as the land of cheese and dreams, a bunch of sprightly kids called the "Cheese Chords" are on a delightful mission. This jovial state, sprinkled with shimmering lakes, lush forests, bustling cities, and quaint farms, hums to the rhythm of these talented kids as they embark on their melodious journey. The Cheese Chords, each hailing from different parts of Wisconsin, are united by their passion for playing instruments. There's Sammy the Saxophone Squirrel, a curious creature with a shiny saxophone twice his size. Bessie the Banjo Badger, a witty badger who plays a banjo with strings spun from the finest Wisconsin cheese. Then there's Oliver the Oboe Otter, an otter with an oboe that echoes the enchanting tunes across the lakes of Wisconsin. And finally, we have Pippa the Piano Porcupine, with a colorful piano adorned with quills, producing tunes as sharp and sweet as her quills. These lovable characters, with their instruments in hand, or paw, hop from the farms of Fond du Lac to the ships of Sheboygan, spreading joy and music. They practice their harmonies in farm barns, under the stars, and even on floating cheese boats, with the sparkling Wisconsin rivers as their backdrop. As they strum, blow, and tap their instruments, their infectious energy and sheer love for music reverberate through the enchanting state of Wisconsin, leaving a track of giggles, foot-tapping, and pure delight. In Wisconsin, the Cheese Chords are more than just kids playing instruments; they are the heart that pumps rhythm into the state, the soul that fills it with melodies, and the jester that keeps the state smiling with their amusing antics.
Read morebest playing-instrument programs in Oconomowoc, WI
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
Our mission is to provide each of our students with a safe and enjoyable learning environment. We strive to develop a culture of creativity and exploration in our classrooms. We encourage our students to discover the joy and beauty of music by providing them with engaging and fun activities. Our instructors are passionate about helping our students reach their full potential. We offer a variety of classes, such as group lessons, private lessons, and ensemble classes. We also offer special workshops and recitals throughout the year to give our students the opportunity to showcase their skills. Our instructors are dedicated to helping our students become the best musicians they can be.