In the whimsical world of Wisconsin, often fondly referred to as the land of cheese and dreams, a bunch of sprightly kids called the "Cheese Chords" are on a delightful mission. This jovial state, sprinkled with shimmering lakes, lush forests, bustling cities, and quaint farms, hums to the rhythm of these talented kids as they embark on their melodious journey. The Cheese Chords, each hailing from different parts of Wisconsin, are united by their passion for playing instruments. There's Sammy the Saxophone Squirrel, a curious creature with a shiny saxophone twice his size. Bessie the Banjo Badger, a witty badger who plays a banjo with strings spun from the finest Wisconsin cheese. Then there's Oliver the Oboe Otter, an otter with an oboe that echoes the enchanting tunes across the lakes of Wisconsin. And finally, we have Pippa the Piano Porcupine, with a colorful piano adorned with quills, producing tunes as sharp and sweet as her quills. These lovable characters, with their instruments in hand, or paw, hop from the farms of Fond du Lac to the ships of Sheboygan, spreading joy and music. They practice their harmonies in farm barns, under the stars, and even on floating cheese boats, with the sparkling Wisconsin rivers as their backdrop. As they strum, blow, and tap their instruments, their infectious energy and sheer love for music reverberate through the enchanting state of Wisconsin, leaving a track of giggles, foot-tapping, and pure delight. In Wisconsin, the Cheese Chords are more than just kids playing instruments; they are the heart that pumps rhythm into the state, the soul that fills it with melodies, and the jester that keeps the state smiling with their amusing antics.
Read morebest playing-instrument programs in Oregon, WI
Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!
Erin Chisman is the founder of Academy of Sound in Oregon, WI. She has been teaching piano since 1997 and in 2003, she opened Erin's Piano Studio, which became Academy of Sound in 2007. Erin studied with Margaret McKay in Stoughton and has also been in various choirs, as well as studied violin, flute, and voice. Erin is dedicated to giving back to the community. She co-founded the Oregon Youth Center and was a board member of the Oregon Area Chamber of Commerce for four years. During her time there, she served as Secretary, Vice President, and President. In 2014, InBusiness Magazine named her one of their “40 Under 40”. She also has a travel hacking YouTube channel with over 78,000 views. In addition to her music career, Erin also owns the business consulting and accounting firm Elevated Business Services. She is also a certified Category A Piano Teacher through the Mayron Cole Music Conservatory in Austin, TX and competed in the National Piano-Playing Auditions through the American College of Musicians at the district and national levels between 1996 and 1999. She was also awarded the Director's Service Award at Oregon High School in 1999.